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Counseling For PROGRESS, LLC

Counseling for Mental Health
and/or Disabilities.

Ms. Hahn has a master’s degree in Community Counseling

(Clinical Mental Health Counseling) and has worked with people with a wide variety of diagnoses.

Counseling For PROGRESS, LLC provides counseling for persons with mental health needs and/or disabilities. Ms. Hahn has advanced training and experience working with persons with mental health, physical, cognitive, emotional, developmental, communications, and other disabilities.

Experienced with:​

  • ADHD

  • anxiety disorders

  • autism spectrum disorder

  • behavioral difficulties

  • bipolar disorder

  • chronic pain

  • disabilities

  • emotion regulation

  • major depressive disorder

  • psychotic disorders

  • school difficulties

  • social skills

  • trauma

  • and more

Ms. Hahn also works with clients with multiple diagnoses/disabilities with complex needs.

More Principles of Counseling For PROGRESS, LLC

Strengths-based Counseling

You do not fit into a box: you are a unique individual with many strengths. When painful childhood experiences, maltreatment due to disabilities, dangerous environments, overwhelming oppression, abuse, or other significant adversities occur, persons may lose sight of their successes and their potential.

Ms. Hahn’s goal is to provide counseling for persons to discover their multitude of strengths while guiding them to the supports and services they may need to overcome hurdles.

Once strengths have been identified, deepened, and expanded, Ms. Hahn helps to create an action plan that will empower a person to connect those strengths for progress towards the person’s full potential.


It is the extremes that are most harmful to persons, such as when something is too frequent, too intense, or happens too long.


When personal suffering or despair becomes too extreme, it can be overwhelming and lead to withdrawal, self-harm, substance abuse, suicide, etc. At the other extreme, when excitement and joy become too extreme (such as in “love is blind” or mania), it can lead to denial of negative consequences, poor decision-making, and more.


Similarly, if persons are behaving too far outside societal norms, such as hurting others or themselves, engaging in criminal activity, or exhibiting bizarre behaviors, then those behaviors might destroy their relationships with friends and family.


Likewise, when a person’s thoughts become extreme, such as in all-or-nothing/black-or-white thinking, their emotions and actions often become extreme. Ms. Hahn guides persons to understand their extremes in emotions, thoughts, and actions. She empowers them to achieve the balance necessary for progress towards who they are truly meant to become.


Counseling For PROGRESS, LLC knows that having a clear action plan may increase the likelihood of accomplishing personal goals. Ms. Hahn will collaborate with you to identify your own personal goals and develop a step-by-step action plan for accomplishing your goals. Action plans are developed early on, progress is tracked over time, and action plans are modified as needed along the way. Needs and goals can change, so Ms. Hahn assesses and reassesses progress and plans frequently to tailor them to you as an individual person.


In each person’s life, there are relationships that matter: relationships to themselves, to others, and to meaningful living.

It is essential that a person has a close and positive relationship with themselves, which means knowing who they truly are (including their life story, their personal identity, and their fears and desires). They need to accept themselves, like themselves, and trust themselves.

Also, it is part of human nature to need deep connections with other persons. When persons are hurt by loved ones, are oppressed by societal groups, or feel unable to form positive, fulfilling relationships, they might become less relational by rejecting others, withdrawing from society, and/or committing violent acts. And for many, important connections are not just to other human beings but also to pets or other living beings.

These relationships to one’s self and to others are still not enough for persons to reach their full potential. When persons lose connection to a greater purpose, they might develop a sense of emptiness with a yearning for something more. Persons may try to fill that emptiness by consuming too much food, seeking status, acquiring material “goods,” wielding power over others, or overindulging in stimulation, which may even lead them closer to addiction. Ms. Hahn guides persons to dig deep within their thoughts and feelings to uncover all that is meaningful in their lives and to examine how their own actions match what they value.  Then, she empowers them to align their actions with what truly matters most to them.  



Most people have experienced one or more traumatic events. For many, those traumatic experiences can have a long-lasting effect. When providing therapy regarding trauma, Ms. Hahn does her best to allow a person to determine when and how deep to delve into a trauma, thereby giving the person control over the expression of that experience–control that they likely did not have at the time of the traumatic event. Ms. Hahn will treat you with respect.

Life Story


Every person has lived a life which is unique and which impacts who they have become and the choices they might or might not make. Sometimes understanding that journey can help a person see the “big picture” and identify patterns in experiences and relationships. This type of therapy, called Narrative Therapy, is something which Ms. Hahn can also provide.

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